ISEPEI’s 2019 summer workshops ended

The sixth installment of the ISEPEI summer trainings for environmental professionals was successfully carried out this July in Budapest, Hungary. Two workshops were hosted by the CEU Systems Laboratory (Syslab) and run in cooperation with various international organizations and United Nations entities – “Innovations in Disaster Risk Reduction”, held on July 1-5, 2019, in cooperation with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and “Geospatial Technologies and Remote Sensing for Monitoring Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, held on July 22-26, 2019, in cooperation with United Nations entities and European Commission's Joint Research Center.
This year events gathered more than 50 participants from 34 countries, showcasing a particularly international outlook at the workshops. These practitioners and decision-makers represented their institutions - intergovernmental and international organizations (UN, EC), national and governmental agencies (various ministries, statistics offices, regional governments), academia, NGOs, and commercial sector. They were provided with an opportunity to share their own experience or project during the dedicated session.
Conducted professional trainings, run under the organizational framework of the CEU Summer University, traditionally aimed at improving data-driven decision-making and presenting the latest advances in information and communication technologies (ICTs), and their application in various fields. Workshops included both theoretical and practical sessions, conducted by global leaders in geospatial technologies, reviewed the latest achievements in data-driven decision-making that is pushing communities towards achieving sustainable development targets and providing effective responses in the field of disaster risk reduction (DRR). The training programme was accompanied by social events and networking opportunities.
Our diverse course faculty included speakers from such well-known organizations as UNDP, UNFPA, FAO, World Meteorological Organization, Group on Earth Observations, Global Environment Facility, European Commission's Joint Research Center, USAID, German Aerospace Center (DLR), German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ), MAXAR, Airbus, IMMAP, Yamaguchi University.
Topics, discussed at the workshops, included: international agreements, frameworks and partnerships on DRR; ICT and space-based solutions for sustainable development monitoring; flood monitoring, modeling, and forecasting; big data and crowdsourcing; disaster management and disaster response support solutions; risk financing; experiences, best practices, and innovations in applications of geospatial technologies for DRR and SDGs. Selected presentations were broadcasted, some of the recorded sessions are available through the Syslab’s website at
CEU Syslab and ISEPEI would like to congratulate participants on completion of the trainings and receiving certificates and to thank many organizations who contributed to the events. We hope that the new-found knowledge on the many topics covered will prove to be a valuable asset in participants work. You can check the photos from the events through the following links: