Innovations in Disaster & Climate Risk Reduction 2020

Venue: Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Date: 26 - 30 October 2020
Important information!
The core ISEPEI course “Innovations in Disaster & Climate Risk Reduction” and the related ISEPEI-SUN Weekend Workshops, originally planned to be held between 29 June and 3 July, 2020, are re-scheduled for October, 2020. The tentative dates are 26 October - 30 October, 2020.
The course organizers, however, decided to offer a one-week long introductory online webinar series, entitled „Bridging ICTs and the Environment” between 22-28 June, 2020. The webinars will give a taste of the topics which will be discussed further in more details during the in-residence courses/workshops in October 2020.
Attending the webinars is free for anyone who is interested and registered in advance. If you would like to participate in the online webinar series please submit THIS REGISTRATION FORM by June 15 at the latest. More information on the in-residence courses and weekend workshops in October will be published on the SUN website later during the summer.
How can information and communication technologies (ICTs) empower decision-makers and citizens to play a proactive role in management and effective response to natural disasters?
The Innovations in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) workshop will highlight the recent advances in ICTs and their impact on decision making. The workshop will build upon experience and expertise in ICTs and DRR by both UNDP and a diverse network of organizations, who have come together over the past several years to train environmental professionals in the field. Combining regional UNDP experience, ICT industry expertise, and accumulated first-hand knowledge by this global community of practice, the workshop will offer both theoretical and practical skills in disaster risk reduction, monitoring, and recovery.
Best practice case studies will be highlighted, through which technologies have been proven to be highly effective tools in disaster management. The transformative digital opportunities provided by the workshop will allow its participants to integrate know-how in a decision-making process, facilitate response and establish a multi-stakeholder partnership for regional and global cooperation. The main topics are:
- Innovations in Climate Risk Management (CRM);
- Disaster preparedness and response;
- Innovations in technologies (remote sensing, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), big data, citizen science, mobile technologies, data portals and more);
- Early warning systems.
Target Group
The course aims at UN staff, primarily of the UNDP Country offices in Balkans, Caucasus and Central Asia, National Focal Points of International Conventions (e.g. Black Sea Commission), relevant government officials (e.g. Ministries of Emergencies, Environment, Communications), researchers and civil society representatives.
Workshop Directors
Viktor Lagutov ISEPEI Project, Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy, CEU
Armen Grigoryan Disaster Reduction and Recovery Team, UNDP Regional Centre for Europe and CIS
Douglas Cripe, Groups of Earth Observation (GEO)
Lorant Czaran, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Jens Danzeglocke, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Masahiko Nagai, Yamaguchi University
Andras Szollosi-Nagy, Sustainable Water Futures Programme
Zoltan Vekerdy, Geo-information Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente
Additional Information
In addition to The Innovations in Disaster and Climate Risk Reduction workshop, spin-off workshops are organized.
The Innovations in Disaster and Climate Risk Reduction workshop continues the series of joint UN-CEU training events under the ISEPEI Project “Bridging ICTs and the Environment”. The ISEPEI Project aims to address the gap between the geospatial industry and environmental practitioners by providing in-service education and professional training for environmental decision-makers and practitioners.
How to apply?
Click here to apply.
Financial information
Price of the workshop: 700 EUR
Click here to found out more about the discounts.