Post-Disaster Risk Finance Options & Instruments 2020

Venue: Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Date: postponed to October 2020. please sign for our mailing list to stay updated
This workshop focuses on disaster risk financing (DRF) management and how it can lessen the vulnerability of local communities through fast access to post-disaster relief funds.
The human cost of disasters is not just measured in the deaths and injuries that they cause, but also in terms of their lasting economic impact on survivors and countries. Natural disasters don’t just destroy homes, factories, shops, and fields; they can altogether annihilate years of economic growth, which is essential for developing economies. That is why disaster risk financing, especially when it comes to post-event response, plays a vital role in developing economies across the globe. Financing that strengthens the management of risks associated with exposed assets, lessening the vulnerability of people and property, improves the management of land, water, and the environment. Climate-related disasters have increased significantly in frequency and severity, and climate change is expected to intensify losses, especially in poor and developing countries. According to Munich Re, from 1980 to 2018, global climate-related disasters rose steadily from around 200 events a year (with less than US$50 billion in total losses) to around 800 events (with over $150 billion in total losses).
Over the last two decades, financial markets, governments, and the development community have introduced important innovations in disaster risk finance, giving rise to new or improved funding sources to build resilience before disasters happen and to respond, recover, and rebuild after disasters strike. Given the urgency and scale of the challenges developing countries face, pressures to scale up both categories of disaster risk finance are intense.
The Post-disaster Risk Finance Options & Instruments workshop will bring a comprehensive overview of available post-disaster finance instruments and reveal best practices around the globe with an analysis of its potential implication and availability for the countries of the ECIS region.
· State of play for catastrophe (re)insurance market and current solutions used by countries. Its obstacles and opportunities for expansion;
· National Disaster Funds;
· Contingent Credit arrangements;
· Existing national & regional parametric risk transfer facilities (CCRIF, ARC, PCRIC);
· Innovations in post-disaster risk finance: Insurance-Linked Securities and its potential in DRF on macro-level;
· Sovereign parametric catastrophe bonds and its opportunities for the ECIS region;
· Importance of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for disaster risk management and informed decision-making for post-disaster finance - the role of modeling and big data.
Level: Intermediate
Target group
The workshop is targeted at representatives of regional and country offices of UN agencies, National Focal Points of international conventions, relevant government agencies (e.g. Ministries of Emergency Situations, Environment, Communications), researchers and civil society as well as catastrophe (re)insurance practitioners working with ECIS or other regions: underwriters, brokers and reinsurance managers.
Kirill K. Savrassov, Phoenix CRetro Reinsurance Company Ltd
Armen Grigoryan, Disaster Reduction and Recovery Team, UNDP Regional Centre for Europe and CIS
TBA Industry practitioners
Kirill is involved in ILS & catastrophe reinsurance activities since 2004 (since 1999 in general reinsurance). He is a seasoned industry professional & regulated company executive with extensive professional connections in CEE, ECIS, London, Bermuda & the US. After a decade of Lloyd’s broking career, he founded Phoenix CRetro in 2013 as the bridge between Central & Eastern Europe and the global ILS industry, being one of the key “know-how” transfer facilitators and introducers of Insurance-Linked Securities to the region. Kirill is a speaker at international insurance industry events and academia with particular specialty to Insurance-Linked Securities (ILS) and Alternative Risk Transfer (ART).
About Phoenix CRetro
Phoenix CRetro is a niche transforming reinsurer & ILS specialists bringing international catastrophe & ILS markets together with investors and insurers from the regions of Central, Eastern & Southern Europe as well as former Soviet Union countries. Acting both as an aggregator and a subscription market, the company utilize the classic retail-wholesale framework to provide both Lloyd’s Syndicates and global players with an alternative capacity (capital) from areas of the world that have little previous exposure to CAT retrocession, despite already having all the necessary infrastructure in place. Likewise for institutional investors, asset managers, pension funds and professional (re-) insurers from the region Phoenix CRetro offer transparent and effective access to the catastrophic reinsurance as an investments asset class to which they do not otherwise have access due to the lack of financial strength, KYC/DD issues, local sovereign rating or small individual capacities. More information:
Additional information
The Post-Disaster Risk Finance Options & Instruments workshop continues the series of joint UN-CEU training events under the ISEPEI Project “Bridging ICTs and the Environment”. The ISEPEI Project aims to address the gap between geospatial industry and environmental practitioners by providing in-service education and professional training for environmental decision-makers and practitioners, who are in a position to greatly benefit from this data revolution to better shape management strategies and to make more informed, data-driven decisions.
Price: 1200 EUR. Discounts are available for the core workshops fee-paying participants.
Click here to found out more about the discounts.